Welcome to the
Crown Point Orchestra Program!
Making Music
Making Memories
It's Time to Join the Orchestra!
What can I play?
You can choose the Violin, Viola, Cello, or Bass
Guitar and harp are not currently offered in school orchestra
Guitar and harp are not currently offered in school orchestra
Register her for CP Summer Strings: CP Summer Strings Camp Registration
Orchestra FAQ
How much is the rental for the a string instrument?
Violin/Viola: initial rental is $69 for a 4 month trial period, $25 a month thereafter.
Cello: initial rental is $99 for a 4 month trial period, $35 a month thereafter.
Bass: initial rental is $156 for a 4 month trial period, $59 a month there after
We strongly encourage parents to rent first before you buy!
How much is the summer strings camp?
The fee for summer strings is $110 for the three week camp that meets Monday-Thursday.
Do new kids need prior experience?
Prior experience is not necessary! Students will learn everything the need to know at the summer camp.
How does this process work for 4th graders?
The 4th graders take summer orchestra to get started. We offer an After School Orchestra Club for when they become 5th graders during the following school year. Dates and times for the 2024-25 After School Orchestra Club will be released during the summer program. Orchestra meets as a class daily in 6th grade.
What are they committing to doing?
They are committing to the joy of making music! Music takes time, so what they are getting into is a process that will take a few years to master, but provide a lifetime of benefits! You’ll be amazed at the progress they make from 5-8 grade and even more so at the high school level.
How much is the rental for the a string instrument?
Violin/Viola: initial rental is $69 for a 4 month trial period, $25 a month thereafter.
Cello: initial rental is $99 for a 4 month trial period, $35 a month thereafter.
Bass: initial rental is $156 for a 4 month trial period, $59 a month there after
We strongly encourage parents to rent first before you buy!
How much is the summer strings camp?
The fee for summer strings is $110 for the three week camp that meets Monday-Thursday.
Do new kids need prior experience?
Prior experience is not necessary! Students will learn everything the need to know at the summer camp.
How does this process work for 4th graders?
The 4th graders take summer orchestra to get started. We offer an After School Orchestra Club for when they become 5th graders during the following school year. Dates and times for the 2024-25 After School Orchestra Club will be released during the summer program. Orchestra meets as a class daily in 6th grade.
What are they committing to doing?
They are committing to the joy of making music! Music takes time, so what they are getting into is a process that will take a few years to master, but provide a lifetime of benefits! You’ll be amazed at the progress they make from 5-8 grade and even more so at the high school level.